Simple Asset Allocation, Wealth-Building Strategies - Build Wealth Quickly

By Frank Miller

The internet offers two things a possibility of wealth and a possibility of victimization. In our quest to obtain the freedom we want to enjoy. The freedom to live our lives as old blues eyes use to say "My Way" is a road filled with obstacles and detours. It is an undeniable fact that more people lose money in striving to reach instant wealth. This does not pertain to only the internet it pertains to all the ways people build their business.

The more common way at this point is through the internet. This of course is due to the low cost in joining an MLM or a Network Marketing group. As a Life Coach let me give you this piece of advice "caveat emptor" which means "let the buyer beware." The 40 thieves may very well be a children's story, but there are real thieves out there, who claim to have your best interest in mind, while they take all they can from you. In the process of wealth building the fundamentals of business is never set aside because of what someone says what you can do, when the truth is that it may take 2-3 years or more to establish yourself anywhere. This would be inclusive of brick and motor business models to Multi-Level business models. You are probably aware that many of these Network Marketing Models are scams. They will claim the easy fortunes that you can make if you follow their system.

Once you have set the goals for your wealth building, the next step of financial planning is to lay our a feasible and executable plan. For instance, if your short term goal is to own a beautiful home in five years, you would plan to put $20,000 down for the down payment for your house five years from now.

Some people boast as to how much money they made from some venture, this makes others feel bad, that they did not get the piece of the pie. Wealth is energy, people will either vibrate with it or not. You can build your own empire, provided that you have the end in mind. You want a million dollar lifestyle then you must build it. How? There is only one way and that is to keep the main thing (your business) the main thing (not be distracted by other things or claims).

Real estate investing can be focused on either residential, commercial or land. Wealth building through real estate involves buying and selling a property - sometimes referred to as "flipping" or "trading" and often involves "rehabbing" a property (i.e. fixing it up)- to give the fastest and best rate of return.. However, landlording is a more standard approach that requires more time to build wealth, generating a small income in the meantime from the rental income after subtracting all expenses. Want to know how to build wealth quickly with real estate? Consider buying a distressed property using leverage, fixing it up, and selling it again quickly. However, watch for market fluctuations in supply and demand and availability of capital in order to use this strategy effectively. Donald Trump is a great example of someone who created massive wealth through real estate investing.

Once you have a goal, created a plan, and disciplined to execute the plan, the strategies and the techniques you learned from wealth building seminars or real estate investment seminars would take the course of your wealth building further. You can learn what to avoid and what to try out. You'll exchange the ideas with the people who are on the same journey, and share the frustration and your joy with those who've achieved their goals.

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