What To Do About Health Care With A Pre-Existing Condition?

By Rey Vetangelo

Choosing a health care plan can be stressful enough on its own, but many people in the United States suffer from pre-existing health conditions, which can make the selection of a health care plan more stressful and more expensive. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to make choosing a plan easier. Follow these steps in order to find a health care plan that will provide for your needs:

Understand what "Pre-Existing Condition" means. The first step in finding a health insurance plan in this situation is to find out if the term "pre-existing condition" applies to you. Generally speaking, health insurance companies view a pre-existing condition as any medical condition that you have contracted before applying for insurance. However, it pays to know how each company defines your situation, so make sure you have a good understanding of what your condition is, when you contracted it, and how it affects you.

Choosing a doctor. With most insurance policies, there was a set list of what doctors would accept any given insurance plan. This was also true when a woman wanted to find an ob-gyn for care before, during and after pregnancy. It could be quite frustrating when friends would constantly recommend doctors that didn't accept your insurance policy. Or, maybe your insurance had changed between pregnancies, and you couldn't go to the same doctor again. Under the new law, these aren't issues anymore. You now have far more choices as to your doctor no matter what insurance you have.

Coverage for such conditions will begin automatically as long as you are already signed up for a health care plan, even if you have been turned away or refused coverage in the past. The only exception to this law is if you are on a grandfathered individual health plan; a health plan that you buy yourself instead of through an employer. With these insurance plans, you are not legally ensured coverage of your pre-existing conditions.

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Breastfeeding support, supplies and counseling. If you choose to breastfeed your child, it's best to get as much support and counseling as possible early on. It isn't an easy thing to get used to, but the counseling you get from trained providers during and after pregnancy can be immensely valuable to you as you feed your baby. Plans can also help you with pump rental, which is great for new moms when they need to go back to work.

As long as you make sure to do your research accurately and in advance, finding a health care plan that covers your pre-existing condition for an affordable price should be achievable.

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