Covering Facebook's VR Acquisition With Long Island SEO

By Rob Sutter

It was a number of months ago that Facebook acquired Oculus, which was tremendous in its own right. Given the fact that the latter company was responsible for the Oculus Rift, it's clear that Facebook recognized its value at the onset. As far as the details of this purchase were concerned, though, very few people were unaware of the motives. However, those who specialize in Long Island SEO may be curious to know about the details mentioned just recently.

Business Insider published an article that went into detail about the purchase in question and why it was done to begin with. One can make the argument that the expansion of name value is the only reason but it seems like there was more to it than this. Dan Rose, the vice president of content and media partnerships at Facebook, detailed that computing platforms have developed over the course of time. The next step, to Rose's perspective, would be to have a platform closer to their bodies.

For those who are unfamiliar with the Oculus Rift's roots, there are many points of discussion to take into account. At the start, it was on Kickstarter, where it ultimately raised nearly $2.5 million thanks to the contributions of backers. An endeavor like this is tremendous and it shows just how intrigued people are with the idea of virtual reality. Following various attempts to tap into this particular realm, the Oculus Rift may have brought us closer to it than ever before.

To say that the Oculus Rift has expanded would be nothing short of an understatement. In fact, I am sure that firms the likes of fishbat can tell you that partnerships like these can lead to tremendous things. Facebook is one of the biggest names in social media, according to Long Island SEO experts, so the fact that Oculus is linked to it is nothing short of a boost. Technology is an expansive field and no one can say differently on the matter.

What is going to happen once the Oculus Rift is available across various stores? My only guess is that gaming and technology, in general, are going to be expanded tremendously, which is something that I am looking forward to seeing. It's also worth noting the fact that communication is going to be a focus, at the hands of Facebook, which is a tremendous point not to be taken lightly. In time, to my perspective, this acquisition will prove to be even more rewarding.

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