What One Must Know About Catholicism In Tennessee

By Patrick Mitchell

Catholicism has made the world a better place. Catholic missionaries have taken the gospel to all the four corners of the world. According to the Bible, when the gospel reaches far and wide, the end will be near. Presently, almost every country has Christians. That is one of the signs of end times. Catholics have done more than spreading the gospel. They have built orphanages, schools, hospitals, and universities. Some of the best academic institutions in the world are operated by Catholics. Catholicism in Tennessee has done a lot for the local society.

Catholicism has a global presence. The most Catholic nations include the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Philippines, Australia, and South Africa. The most Catholic states in America are Connecticut, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Tennessee. The state of Tennessee has a number of Catholic dioceses. They include the Catholic diocese of Nashville that presently has thousands of followers. Big American cities have dioceses.

The diocese has a head. He is called a bishop. The bishop is in charge of every activity in the diocese. He has the final say on everything that happens within the diocese. At times, he will preside over mass. When he is not there, a priest will deliver the service. To become a Catholic priest, one has to take the oath of celibacy.

Being a priest is not the easiest thing to do. First and foremost, training will take a number of years. It can even last for a decade depending on the commitment and diligence of an individual. Secondly, there is the matter of celibacy. Being a celibate is often times a hard thing for most people. Thus, one will need to decide.

The most senior position in Catholic faith is the position of papacy. Time and again, the pope will make important pronouncements. He will announce the position of the Church on the various issues of faith. The pope can excommunicate a priest as a result of unbecoming behavior. A pope will hold his position until death or resignation.

The pope occupies the papacy seat. Popes are not chosen. They are elected by the global council of Catholic archbishops. During the election of the pope, all the archbishops have to come to the Vatican. The pope is the ultimate spiritual leader of Catholic faith. The Catholic pope often times travel to different countries to preach peace and reconciliation.

The issue that matters the most in Catholicism is the supreme belief on the Bible. The foundation of Catholic Church and Christianity in general is the Holy Bible. Christians from all walks of life are required to abide to the Bible. It is through Scripture that a Christian will find hope for the present and future life. The Bible is 100% supreme, true, and holy.

America is a Christian nation. The Catholic faith has a strong presence in America. In the United States, a person will also find Protestantism. These are the major Christian denominations. A Catholic and a Protestant can disagree on some doctrinal issues. However, when it comes to the major issues of faith, they will be in agreement. Actually, the different Christian denominations complement each other.

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