How LED Lighting Works : Technology of LED lighting in E-Handsome Advertising Light Box

By Michael Zhang

At E-Handsome Advertising we provide an illumination sources for our Light Box which has advantages. LED lighting is going up in acceptance due to its inbuilt energy efficiency, lengthy life and supportability whereas fluorescent lighting has a lower upfront investment and can often be used to build largelight box up to 36 feet in length.

LEDs, or light emitting diodes, are a type of semiconductor circuit that generates light when turned on. Red LEDs were employed in the 60s and 70s for indicator lights and in personal electronics such as digital alarm clocks and calculators. The invention of a blue LED in the 1990s by Japanese scientists was a serious discovery that allowed white LED lights to be made and adapted to be used in main line lighting applications.

Over the past several decades, the price of LED components has dropped significantly to where the price of LED lighting is approaching that of fluorescent lighting. The opening price of LE D technology is still more than fluorescent but LED lighting consumes far less power, up to 75% less, and can last 5 to 10 times as long, concerns for overall investment return.

Other benefits for LED lighting include lower heat emissions than fluorescent and a much smaller size than fluorescent tubes, allowing light boxes to be as narrow as 7/8" in depth. LED lighting requires a recurring energy source however since a little change in voltage can have a significant effect on an LED circuit. Employing a steady power source will maximize the resilience of LED lighting.

We provide edgelit and backlit LED Light Box with frame options including snap front Price and Premium styles, a Frameless Fabric design, locking Hidden Hinge Light Box and Outclass or Light Boxes weatherproofed for exterior placement. Light Box are available for graphic sizes from as small as 7"' x 8" up to 5' x 10' in our narrowest frame depth (less than 1") up to a visually shocking 10' x 18' in a 3 7/8" or 6 7/8" frame depth. Light output options include standard LED lighting and high output LEDs for locations facing direct sunlight such as storefronts.

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