Learn How To Submit Short Stories

By Jerry Murray

Anyone who has dreamed of writing for a living will find that the internet has many offerings. These include working with local news sites to writing for blogs or creating social media posts for business. Many of these entities offer a flexible schedule and paid work experience. Some aspiring writers will submit short stories to be used in a number of ways.

The web offerings are much different than traditional publishers, as short and long stories are accepted for publishing in different mediums. Most opportunities can be found in engine searches that deal with story publishing. There are also online writing groups and forums can have leads and offer advice on the submission process.

Once a person finds a few prospects, they may wonder what they should write about or which publisher is appropriate for their writing style. Before trying to adhere to the submission format, it may be best to jot down a few ideas. From there, a draft summary or plot with an ending that may be suitable for the designated audience could be the next step.

The process of getting words on paper differs just as much as the writing voice of the wordsmith. However, there is no harm in the new writer experimenting with a number of styles until the right fit is discovered. Some may try to find the voice of a character first and built a story around those factors. Others may choose interesting bits and pieces, put them together and then edit to satisfy submission guidelines.

A good concept is often a believable story that has a realistic ending but has other unique factors. This can take from something that happened in real life, either from a personal perspective or something that occurred elsewhere. New writers may want to make name or location changes if there are other parties that may object to their real name being used.

For the imaginative, coming up with characters based on public personas can be just as exciting. Sometimes people can identify with those who live awesome lives and appear to be the envy of many. It may be important to keep the details congruent with the type of personality involved. For instance, a woman that is perceived as a gold digger is not likely to volunteer long hours at a public school because they want to. However, if volunteering at a nonprofit organization places them in close contact with eligible wealthy men, this is worth noting.

Sometimes writers tend to get so wrapped up in the process that they may go overboard with the number of words written. The finished content may be broken up as a series or used as a teaser for promotional purposes. It can also be helpful in case the shortened version is not accepted for immediate publication.

There are often multiple uses for a good story, as the some can be used to sell or cross promote other goods. Something that makes audiences feel good may be used as a way to bring online audiences to a particular site or as a way to engage. Often people seek things that help them to live vicariously and when this idea is linked to another product that may provide joy or convenience, stories can go a long way.

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