By Applying For Bail Bonds Grand Rapids Accused Can Raise Cash Quickly

By Harold King

It is not only career criminals and those that committed serious offences that are arrested. In fact, thousands of arrests are made each year and most of those are normal people that live normal lives. People make errors of judgement, however, putting them on the wrong side of the law. They drive when they are incapacitated, they act in a violent manner when provoked or they take foolish chances. Thankfully, by applying for bail bonds Grand Rapids accused can be released again.

Before making an arrest, police officers have to be very sure that the suspect has indeed committed a criminal offence. An arrest is therefore a very serious matter. When arrested, it is of vital importance to get professional legal help immediately. As soon as he takes on the case, the attorney will make sure that the arrest was indeed legal and that the correct procedures have been followed. His next priority will be to make arrangements for the release of his client.

Most accused will be released after an arrest. They will have to post a cash amount to serve as surety however, that they will stick to the conditions of release as stipulated by the court. The accused may not meddle in the investigation and often he is also restricted from travelling abroad or to other states. If the courts are not sure that the accused will adhere to these conditions, they can refuse bail.

Few accused have the cash necessary to pay the set surety amount. This is where bondsmen comes in. They are financiers that specialize in granting loans to those that need to pay their bail. They can normally arrange for the loan to be approved and the amount to be paid within an hour or two. Thereafter the accused will be released without further delay.

The cost of such a loan can be between 10 and 15 percent of the loan amount. The client will have to sign an agreement with the bondsman specifying how this money will be paid back. In the majority of cases the bondsman will require the client to pledge sufficient assets to cover this amount. The client will also be expected to pay hefty interest on the outstanding amount.

Understandably, most accused are extremely stressed and anxious when arrested. They therefore often fail to carefully study the conditions of the agreement that they sign with the bondsman. This can easily lead to utter shock and disbelief at a later stage. The best course of action is to ask the attorney to deal with the bondsman in the first place. He will often be able to negotiate a better deal.

Breaking the conditions of release can have very serious consequences. The accused may be placed in custody again and bail will not be granted easily again. The accused will lose the money he paid in the first instance and he will almost surely face extra charges. Breaking the conditions of the agreement with the bondsman will lead to the loss of the assets pledged as surety.

There are factions that view bail as counter productive. They say that known criminals are let loose only to commit more crimes. However, the constitution clearly state that every accused must be treated as innocent unless he has been proven guilty in a court of law.

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