Basketry Kits The Best Eco Friendly Gift

By Rebecca Brooks

Holder weaving is one of the trending leisure time activity. For making any item, we need so many products. All the products may or may not be available in one shop. Then, people tend to search for shops or web sites wherein we get all products required in one go. For example, if you want to make a holder. All the items required, a method of weaving are bundled together. These are called basketry kits.

Bamboo is a plant which grows extensively and spreads widely. The height of the plant is less. It belongs to the grass family. The stem is mainly used for making products out of it. Furniture made from bamboo is used by people who want to be part of nature preservation. Especially, this type of chairs and tables are arranged in lawns.

Recently, a lot of designs have been introduced to making holders. Training in making them is to be given to rural people by experts. Hence, with the changing tastes of the modern generation, the rural weavers have to manufacture items. The pick of youngsters today is a blend of contemporary and modern designs.

Scrap is the material that which is thrown away by human beings after usage. Humans are the most selfish creatures on earth. They use all the available resources without thinking of a future generation. Also, they do not mind if their actions affect other human beings or other animals.

Bamboo is hollow. So, they are very light and easy to carry. While shifting from one house to another, it is very comfortable to shift them. Wooden sofa sets are very expensive. However, it depends on the type of wood used to make it. That is why people are very much worried even if there is a single scratch on it.

There is no trust in any product. Suppose we bring home vegetables and fruits. Keep this in a plastic cover and in bamboo carriers and observe for two days. We can easily make out the difference. The ones kept in bamboo holders looks fresh.

All these covers are thrown away in the garbage. This does not seep into the soil. So, the rain water does not get into ground resulting reduction of ground water resources. We cannot see an immediate effect of our actions. But, that does not mean whatever we do is right.

Hand loom textiles and bamboo and mud pottery are among few cottage industries. Weavers of cloth use hand loom to weave and then add colors later. Natural and artificial dyes are available in the market. As per the demand, both are used as coloring agents. With the advent of power looms, cloths were produced cheaply and with less man power.

Let us give a beautiful world full of colors to our kids, not a spoiled one. For this as parents, we have to support kids to learn crafts made of cane, bamboo, and cloth. Enroll yourself and kids in craft workshops. Become members in voluntary artisan groups and rural development organizations. We get notifications on the events happening in our neighborhood. Instill the thought of protecting nature from childhood and they will spread it future. We protect nature and it gives back to us.

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