How To Get Better Grades: Why Sleep Is The Difference Between Passing And Failing

by Lachlan Haynes

How much sleep are you getting each night? How do you feel when you wake up? Do you feel energized or lethargic? Do you jump out of bed ready for a new day? Or do you struggle to wake up at all? Our energy levels and productivity are very closely linked to the amount of sleep we get. So, are you getting enough?

If you get less than 5-6 hours' sleep during the night you will feel down the next day. Your batteries won't be charged properly. You will feel irritable, weary, short tempered and unproductive. It's only natural. You will lack the enthusiasm for the day. In other words, you'll be at your worst.

What about when you get plenty of sleep (let's say 7-9 hours)? You're basically a completely different person aren't you? Energetic, happy, passionate, creative, productive - you name it! When you get plenty of sleep you're a brand new person. You're the best version of yourself that you can be.

If you're getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night then well done! You're doing well and you're giving yourself the best chance to succeed and be super productive each day. If you're not, then you can start taking action today by changing your sleeping habits using these tips.

Tip number one. We all know about the lure of staying up late - but it's a trap. We're sitting up watching a movie or surfing the net and we know that if we don't go to bed tomorrow won't come yet and we won't have to go to work or school! It's our free time and we want to make the most of it. The problem of course is that by staying up late we are killing our energy levels for the next day. The time you get up can't be moved back (otherwise you'd be late) so change the time you get to bed. You'll be glad you did if you stick to it.

Tip number two. Turn off things that stimulate your brain before sleep. Whether you're on Facebook, playing Angry Birds or watching TV just before bed - your brain will always take longer to switch off and relax. Instead, take out the notes you want to revise or read a book you enjoy, or just sit and think.

Tip number three. If your mind won't shut off and it keeps thinking about random things then take out your cell phone and open up the notepad app or memo writer and start taking notes. Your mind will quieten down when you've written everything down. Don't believe me? Give it a try.

Tip number four. Grab a little snooze when you can. No point fighting the inevitable! If you feel exhausted but need to feel alert then grab 10 to 15 minutes sleep somehow. Go sit on the toilet and have a snooze or find a quiet place and close your eyes. Even 5 minutes could be really helpful in increasing your energy levels.

Tip number five. Pick one day of the week to hit the sack early. If you go day after day getting to bed late and not getting enough sleep you will eventually crack. It could even be a major meltdown! No one can be at their best when they don't catch up on sleep. So plan to catch it up. Pick a day each week that you will hit the sack early and just stick to it like glue. It will make a world of difference.

If you do nothing else, make sure you find a way to make sleep a priority in your life. It's truly amazing what a difference a good night's sleep can have. If you want high energy and a zest for life to be a constant in your life, just sleep your way to it! Whatever works for you is what you should do. But give sleep great importance and you'll certainly reap the benefits. is the number one resource for learning new study skills, changing your study habits and finding the best studying tips available. We will help change the way you think about study - and even better - we will show you how to study effectively: <a href=''>How To Get Better Grades | How To Study Effectively</a>

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