Celebrating The Birth Of Democracy - Magna Carta Anniversary

By Young Lindsay

Magna Carta, also known as the Great Chapter or a charter of liberties, was written eight hundred years ago, by 40 English barons. It was written to protect them and their properties against their tyrannical king. To avoid possible war, King John has sealed the document on June 15, 1215. The whole world is now preparing to celebrate the Magna Carta Anniversary.

The great importance of the Great Chapter is contained in two important clauses. These clauses are the foundation for the development of democracy known today. The first one, the famous clause 39, is about freedoms and rights, and the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution contains these rights today.

The second essential principle contained in a charter of liberties is equally resonant. 'To no one will We sell, to no one will we deny or delay, right or justice.' Rights guaranteed in this document are embedded into the laws and served as an inspiration, but also as justification to the colonists during the American Revolution. The Constitution was based upon these guaranteed rights to all men.

When it comes to democracy, this is probably the most valuable document ever written. This was the first written constitution, and it was the first time that it was evident that even the king cannot be above the law, in this case the Common Law. These two famous clauses, 39 and 40, are the most important contribution of Great Britain. That is why this anniversary is actually celebrating the birth of democracy.

Once sealed, a charter of liberties could not be denied ever again. All future sovereigns had to respect it. The document was reissued for a few times, and the final version was issued in 1225. The entire English system of Common law is based on the principles contained in the Great Charter. Thanks to that, the Founding Fathers could assert American liberty from the English crown, and they finally did it in 1776.

The Great Charter is definitely a symbol of freedom under law. Although it was actually sealed on June 15, 1215, this first document was called the Articles of the Barons. The King and the barons issued a formal version four days later, on June 19, 1215. Even its goal was to prevent the war, a civil war happened within three months. The final version of this charter of liberties was issued in 1225.

The original document was written in Latin, and it was concerned about various rights of aristocracy. These 63 clauses are actually the first written constitution in the history of democracy. The most famous clauses 39 and 40 are included in numerous Laws and Constitutions. For example, clause 39 was included in the Petition of Right, in 1628. Numerous other legal acts contain these same principles.

Magna Carta still echoes through the Bill of Rights, and especially in the Fifth Amendment. 'Nor shall any persons be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.' It sounds slightly different, but the point is that no man is above the law, that all men have certain rights that cannot be denied and should be treated this way.

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