Prepare Yourself With An Exhaust Manifold Leak Repair Kit

By Jaclyn Hurley

Some people like to fix their cars themselves, while others feel that it is better to leave the car with a professional. For someone who prefers to do the work themselves, an exhaust manifold leak repair kit might be one of the things they will find useful to keep in the garage. This is because the manifolds of a vehicle do give trouble when they are worn, and they must be fixed as soon as possible. The manifolds could have leaks or cracks that are causing car trouble.

Persons who don't know a lot about cars may need some advice as to how this problem is detected. The manifolds of a vehicle are linked to various other parts, and this sometimes makes the diagnosis a bit tricky. However, when there is a very strong smell of gas coming from the vehicle's emissions, it may indicate a problem with the manifolds. Leaks could definitely be present. The odor comes from the gases that have not been distributed correctly through the exhaust pipe.

If you suspect that your vehicle's emissions are stronger than what they should be, it may be wise to organize an emissions test. Most mechanics can do this test for their customers, and will let you know if there are possible problems within the vehicle. The mechanic will most likely need to examine the vehicle to find and fix the issue.

Another way of knowing that something is wrong is to listen to the engine. It may be making unusual noises, which could be similar to a soft banging sound nearby the exhaust. You may or may not hear these sounds when you are driving, but if you know about them then you can listen out for them.

If you feel capable of the fixing the problem yourself, here are a few tips. Let the car's engine cool down for a few hours before starting to work, as some parts get very hot. Once cooled, you can start taking off the bolts that hold the manifolds in place. A wrench is a good tool to use.

If you are having difficulty loosening it, you may require a rubber hammer. Use this tool to tap the manifold. Rubber is recommended so that it does not cause damage. Make the manifolds loose enough so that you can reach the gasket. You don't, however, need to take them out completely. Remove the old gasket to make room for the new one.

You can now refasten the manifold with its original bolts. The gasket needs to be eased into place, therefore, do not tighten the bolts too quickly. You also don't want the new gasket to warp. To help with this task, you can purchase kits that will contain all the tools and accessories you need, otherwise, you can employ a mechanic.

The manifolds of a vehicle are usually made from cast-iron, and are strong, but they do also suffer from wear and tear and manufacturing faults. Cast-iron manifolds are often repairable. Tubular manifolds, however, need to be replaced.

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