Whoever laid it down that one cannot teach old tricks to a new dog was quite mistaken. Even the most skilled hunters need to be updated on the latest hunting techniques. They need to think outside the box so as to broaden their perspective on their deer hunting knowledge. Many hunters have had to learn the hard way through trial and error methods but why go through all the trouble while there is so much information on the internet. In relation to this, the following is information on Kentucky white tail deer hunting.
Being able to speak the deer language puts one in a better position to be able to draw them nearer and hunt them. This includes the use of grunt tubes, rattle sounds among others. At other times hunters prefer to use decoy deers. These are placed in the field and are really helpful in drawing other deers closer.
Despite the fact that whitetail deers spend most of their time in the woods, it is possible for one to hunt them in a non- wooded area. The best time to do this is early in the morning when the sun is rising and late in the evening while the sun is setting. This is the time when these animals are out and about in search of food and water hence one is always supposed to be on the lookout.
Among other tools, having a trail camera is one of the important things to consider especially among hunters in Kentucky. These have a wide array of uses and there are many types, all with different prices and quality. Once installed on the land, they monitor the piece of land without causing any form of disturbance whatsoever to other wildlife. They also take record of deers as they grow. In addition to that, they take count of seers hence the hunter is able to estimate the number of deers on his farm.
The great debate still ensues on whether it is right to bait them or not. Most of the young hunters prefer baiting since its easy while others are more drawn to the old fashioned way of doing things. There are states which have rules against baiting since there are hunters who tend to take advantage of this. Most individuals however consider this morally and ethically wrong since the whitetail deer ends up being killed just because it was drawn to food.
In the competitive hunting world, land owners and hunters are looking for all the means and ways of maintaining a good population on their piece of land. Deer attractants will stop whitetail deer families from moving to other lands in search of better nutrients and water. This includes having natural food plots, salt licks and mineral blocks among others.
Whitetail deers have a very powerful nose. This means that they can easily detect foreign scent in the woods and once they do, they look for all the ways that they can escape. During the hunt therefore, hunters have to make sure that they are scent free together with all their tools.
Before a hunt one is also supposed to take a shower using a scent free bathing soap and shampoo. They are also required to make sure that all their equipment is free of human scent even if it requires washing them.
Being able to speak the deer language puts one in a better position to be able to draw them nearer and hunt them. This includes the use of grunt tubes, rattle sounds among others. At other times hunters prefer to use decoy deers. These are placed in the field and are really helpful in drawing other deers closer.
Despite the fact that whitetail deers spend most of their time in the woods, it is possible for one to hunt them in a non- wooded area. The best time to do this is early in the morning when the sun is rising and late in the evening while the sun is setting. This is the time when these animals are out and about in search of food and water hence one is always supposed to be on the lookout.
Among other tools, having a trail camera is one of the important things to consider especially among hunters in Kentucky. These have a wide array of uses and there are many types, all with different prices and quality. Once installed on the land, they monitor the piece of land without causing any form of disturbance whatsoever to other wildlife. They also take record of deers as they grow. In addition to that, they take count of seers hence the hunter is able to estimate the number of deers on his farm.
The great debate still ensues on whether it is right to bait them or not. Most of the young hunters prefer baiting since its easy while others are more drawn to the old fashioned way of doing things. There are states which have rules against baiting since there are hunters who tend to take advantage of this. Most individuals however consider this morally and ethically wrong since the whitetail deer ends up being killed just because it was drawn to food.
In the competitive hunting world, land owners and hunters are looking for all the means and ways of maintaining a good population on their piece of land. Deer attractants will stop whitetail deer families from moving to other lands in search of better nutrients and water. This includes having natural food plots, salt licks and mineral blocks among others.
Whitetail deers have a very powerful nose. This means that they can easily detect foreign scent in the woods and once they do, they look for all the ways that they can escape. During the hunt therefore, hunters have to make sure that they are scent free together with all their tools.
Before a hunt one is also supposed to take a shower using a scent free bathing soap and shampoo. They are also required to make sure that all their equipment is free of human scent even if it requires washing them.
About the Author:
You can visit kevinturneroutdoors.com for more helpful information about Details On Kentucky White Tail Deer Hunting.
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